Press notes 07/10/2019

More than a hundred URV students and staff participate in the fifth Canoeing trip on the Ebro River

One third of the participants were international students from countries including the Netherlands, Portugal, France and China

More than a hundred people participated in the fifth URV Canoeing daytrip.

A total of 114 participants, including students and teaching, administration and services staff from all URV campuses participated in the fifth URV canoeing trip organized by the University Sports Service and the Terres de l’Ebre Campus held on Saturday 5 October. The participants canoed down one of the wildest and most spectacular stretches of the Ebro River between Miravet (Ribera d’Ebre) and Benifallet (Baix Ebre). A total of 78 canoes participated: 46 single canoes and 32 double canoes. This was a slightly higher number of participants than last year, and 30% of the participants were foreign students from countries including the Netherlands, Portugal, France and China. This year, the rector María José Figueras and part of the rector’s team, along with the director of the Terres de l’Ebre Campus, Jordi Sardà, also participated.

This leisure and sports day, which is open to all citizens, aims to promote and strengthen sports inside and outside the university and foster bonds between students from different campuses, who, at the same time, can get to know the Ebro River from the inside. The stretch of river chosen this year had areas of high landscape value, such as the Pas de Barrufemes and its rock walls, the river island of Pastisset, where the participants stopped, the Galatxo and Cateura islands, and the imposing Miravet castle, seen from the river at the very start of the trip.

This activity has academic recognition for students and a free bus service was provided for participants from the Tarragona, Reus and Tortosa campuses to Miravet to promote participation.

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