Press notes 15/03/2020

Resolution by the Rector to reduce the spread of COVID-19

All URV buildings and facilities will be closed except for the essential basic services, mechanisms to ensure non-presential working and teaching are established, and the deadlines for internal URV regulations and procedures are suspended until further notice

The Rector of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and president of its Fundació, María José Figueras, has published, on 15 March, a resolution to provide guidelines to be followed by the URV community in order to collaborate in reducing the spread of COVID-19. All URV buildings and facilities will be closed except for the essential basic services, mechanisms to ensure non-presential working and teaching are established and the deadlines for internal URV regulations and procedures are suspended until further notice as follows:

“Considering Royal Decree 463/2020, of 13 March, issued by the Government of Spain, which declares a state of alert resulting from the health crisis caused by COVID-19;

Considering the responsibility of the public administrations and public-sector entities such as the University to contribute to the objective of preventing, reducing and minimizing the propagation of COVID-19;

In compliance with the directives and instructions of the health authorities and the Catalan Government which limit the provision of public services to only those that are strictly necessary in order to guarantee the basic or strategic services the Catalan Government is responsible for and the entities in the institutional public sector;

I, as rector of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and in line with the measures taken by the public administrations of Catalonia as a whole,


First. To continue with the policy of no face-to-face teaching that was announced on Friday 12 March and make all efforts to continue teaching through electronic or online means.

Second. The URV staff will carry out their professional duties in a non-presential way using the available mechanisms and means.

Third. To entrust the Office of the General Manager to draw up a contingency plan that will define the essential basic services.

Fourth. To close all URV buildings and facilities until further notice. Access will only be granted if express authorization is given.

Fifth. To request the Office of the General Manager and the vice-rectors responsible for particular areas to provide systems for videoconferences, collaborative work and online teaching to replace face-to-face classes and, as far as possible, management, research, doctorates, transfer, innovation and all other institutional activities.

Sixth. To suspend and interrupt the deadlines established for internal URV regulations and procedures.

Seventh. This resolution will be developed in accordance with further instructions.

Eighth. This resolution and the measures agreed come into force as of immediate effect and will remain in force until they are modified or suspended.

The instructions that implement this resolution can be found on the website, as well as the updating of all the information related to the health alert affecting the COVID-19 at the URV.

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