Press notes 07/07/2017

The URV and the National University of the Littoral will collaborate in doctoral studies

An agreement will allow the students of both institutions to obtain a double doctoral degree in Nanosystems, Bioengineering and Energy from the URV and Physics from the UNL

Left to right Vice-Rector of the UNL, Miguel Alfredo Irigoyen, and Josep Anton Ferré, the rector of the URV.

Students on the doctoral programme in Nanosystems, Bioengineering and Energy at the URV will also be able to obtain the doctoral degree in Physics offered by the National University of the Littoral (UNL) in Argentina, according to an agreement signed on 7 July between the rector of the URV, Josep Anton Ferré, and Miguel Alfredo Irigoyen, Vice-Rector of the UNL.

The agreement enables doctoral students from both institutions to obtain a double doctoral degree via joint thesis supervision. This means that each university will participate in the training activities of doctoral students at the other university and will share research data relating to students’ theses. The agreement also states that doctoral students who want to go for the double degree must spend some time studying at the other university.

The URV and the UNL will also collaborate in the publication and dissemination of research results related to doctoral theses, and students will have the right to appear as co-authors on any articles or communications referring to research in which they have played an active role.

The agreement will come into force for the 2017-18 academic year and will last for four years.

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