Press notes 20/06/2018

The URV is the fourth most highly-ranked university in Spain according to U-Ranking

The ranking also rates bachelor’s degree courses, of which the URV has ten in first position

The Universitat Rovira i Virgili has been ranked in fourth position on the basis of its average score for indicators of performance in teaching, research and technological development, according to results presented in the 2018 edition of the U-Ranking. Ahead of the University are Pompeu Fabra University, Carlos III University, the Technical University of Catalonia and the Technical University of Valencia, while it shares fourth place with the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of Cantabria.

This sixth edition of the ranking evaluates 61 universities (48 public and 13 private) according to teaching performance, research performance and innovation and technological development. The University’s best position is in research, where it is in third place. For teaching it is fourth place, the same as in innovation.

To evaluate the universities’ activity in teaching, research and innovation and technological development, each of the three areas is judged on the strength of its performance in four ambits: access to resources, production, quality and internationalisation of activities. Each of the four ambits is analysed using a series of indicators.

The best positioned bachelor’s degrees

The scores for each of the bachelor’s degrees are based on 256 indicators that have been used to calculate each ranking. These scores show which are the best universities for the various degrees that are offered. In the Arts and Humanities, the URV is in first position for the degrees in English, History, History of Art, Spanish Language and Literature, Catalan Language and Literature, Anthropology and Human Evolution. In the Sciences, the URV is in first position for the degrees of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Oenology. The URV’s degrees in Geography, Territorial Organisation and Commercial Aviation and Air Operations Pilot are also in first place.

The website of the ranking compares more than 2363 official university degrees from more than 1000 schools and faculties at the 61 public and private universities to show which are best positioned.

These are some of the principal results of the sixth edition of U-Ranking, which is developed jointly by the BBVA Foundation and the Valencian Institute of Economic Research. The project started in 2012 and has the support of experts in university evaluation and quality from 14 universities across Spain.

The ranking is topped by four public universities and shows once again that Catalonia has the best university system in Spain.

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