Press notes 03/07/2023

The URV remains the second-best public university in Catalonia and Spain under 50 years old

The Times Higher Education "Young University Ranking" places it in the 151-200 range in the list of 605 young universities in the world and reaffirms its excellence in teaching, research and knowledge transfer.

Image of a classroom at the Terres de l'Ebre Campus during a class

The Universitat Rovira i Virgili has once again been recognised in the Times Higher Education (THE) “Young University Ranking”, which includes those universities under 50 years old that have the best scores on the various indicators. According to this classification, the URV is in the range 151-200 of the 605 universities in the ranking and is the second public university in Catalonia and Spain, behind the UPF.

The “Young University Ranking” contains 605 young universities – 66 more than in the previous edition – from 78 countries that have achieved a high level of excellence. It is based on thirteen indicators grouped in five categories: teaching (learning environment), research (volume and reputation), citations (impact of published work), internationalisation (of staff, students and teachers) and knowledge transfer. As in previous editions, this methodology gives less weight to reputation through surveys, which reflects the special characteristics of younger universities.

This ranking is particularly significant for younger institutions because it shows their strong impact in areas such as teaching, research and knowledge transfer, in contrast to more traditional institutions that have often had more time to build up a reputation. The URV stands out for its presence on the international academic scene.

In the 2023 edition, the Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) finished in top spot, followed by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the Paris Sciences et Lettres University. The ranking represents universities from a wide variety of countries, including Turkey, India and Iran.

Times Higher Education is a leading international publication in the field of higher education, which is supported by Elsevier through the Scopus database.

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