Press notes 20/01/2021

Top-level international linguists take part in the 1st edition of the URV’s International School of Linguistics

The Research Group in Language and Linguistics (ROLLING) of the URV has organized this school aimed for doctoral students, which starts with nine courses

The ROLLING Institute on Argument Structure, as this international school of linguistics is called, began its activity this January. It is composed of nine courses aimed at doctoral students taught by top-level national and international linguists.

The 130 attendees for this 1st edition of the ROLLING Institute will have the opportunity to participate in these courses until July 2021. They will focus on different areas of the study of argument structure. This year the sessions are adapted to the online mode and for that reason more than one hundred doctoral students from universities around the world can participate.

The aim of the ROLLING Institute is to provide academic training and intellectual exchange, based on the research carried out by the ROLLING group (Language and Linguistics Research Group) of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in argument structure. For this reason, three of the courses are taught by researchers from the URV research group: Isabel Oltra-Massuet, Carles Royo and Elisabeth Gibert Sotelo, who are also part of the organization of the event.

The first session took place this Monday and was conducted by Artemis Alexiadou.

Among the experts who participate in the 1st edition of the ROLLING Institute we can find Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt Universität Berlin), Antonio Fábregas (University of Tromsø), John Beavers (University of Texas at Austin) Carles Royo (URV), Isabel Oltra-Massuet (URV), Ángel L. Jiménez-Fernández (University of Seville), Svitlana Antonyuk (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz), Elisabeth Gibert-Sotelo (URV), Linnaea Stockall (Queen Mary University London) and Laura Gwilliams (University of California San Francisco). One of the courses also includes a roundtable on neurolinguistics with the participation of researchers, such as Ellen Lau (University of Maryland), Alec Marantz (NeLLab-NYU), and Liina Pylkkänen (NeLLab-NYU). Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt Universität Berlin, Leibniz-ZAS) was the linguist who started the series of talks in a session that took place this Monday, January 18th.

The Institute is organized by members of the ROLLING research group, from the Department of English and German Studies and the Department of Catalan Studies.

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