Press notes 25/06/2019

120 university staff from around the world share good practices in internationalisation at the URV

They are from 30 universities in 22 countries and are attending the International Week and the final conference of the SUCTI project, coordinated by the URV

Participants a la Setmana Internacional de la URV.

Staff from 30 universities in 22 countries around the world are meeting this week at the URV with the aim of sharing good practices in internationalisation. The URV’s International Center has organized three events for the same week: the International Week; the meeting of the BOOST project, involving Armenian universities, and the final conference of the SUCTI project, which is coordinated by the URV and has trained more than 200 people in internationalisation in European universities. The three activities will bring up to 120 people  Tarragona from four continents between Tuesday and Friday.

The International Week begins on Tuesday morning and focuses on the role of communication and marketing for implementing internationalisation in higher education institutions. The URV will give a presentation on its own experience, which has focused on training as a key element in internationalisation, and there will be analysis of the models adopted by the different universities and their structures, functions and strategies for promoting internationalisation.

Welcome from the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, John Style, and the Director of International Relations, Marina Casals, during the International Week for University Staff. 

Training is the central element of the project Systemic University Change Towards Internationalization (SUCTI), which is coordinated by the URV and which has a further seven members from around the European Union. On Thursday 27 June the results of the model implemented by the member universities will be published and show that it has been successful.

During the same week universities involved in the BOOST project will also participate in activities organised by the International Center. The BOOST project seeks to promote increased internationalisation in Armenian Higher Education by developing frameworks and tools for national and international policy.

In addition to Armenia, the 120 participants are from universities in Poland, Ukraine, Egypt, the United Kingdom, Austria, the Netherlands, Morocco, Latvia, Belarus, Indonesia, Japan, Germany, Argentina, Colombia, Spain, France, Romania, Croatia, Italy and the Czech Republic.

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