Press notes 05/07/2021

Call for applications is now open for 58 postdoctoral grants totalling 5 million euros

From today to 15 September applications can be made for the 17 places on the María Zambrano international talent recruitment programme, the 32 places on the Margarita Salas programme for young doctors and the programme for requalifying university teaching staff by encouraging mobility, which will be offering 9 grants

Universitat Rovira i Virgili will be spending five million euros on 58 postdoctoral grants after Spain’s Ministry of Universities awarded a direct subsidy to all public universities thanks to the European Union and the NextGenerationEU funds, in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The call for applications was opened this Monday and will close on 15 September.

Some of the grants will be provided by the María Zambrano international programme for talent recruitment. This call is for teaching and research staff who have been involved in postdoctoral research in areas other than the area of their doctoral thesis for at least two years at universities or research centres outside Spain. The 17 contracts offered of this type can have a duration of two years and the successful candidates will be paid a net salary of approximately €36,100 a year.

Other grants will be provided by the Margarita Salas programme for young doctors who have defended their doctoral thesis within the previous two years. Half of the total funds available – about 2.5 million euros – will be assigned to this programme. These grants provide candidates with training visits at Spanish public universities or foreign universities or research centres and will pay an approximate net yearly salary of €31,600 for those candidates applying for a foreign visit and €25,300 for those applying for a Spanish university.

The programme for the Requalification of university teachers provides nine grants for training visits at universities or research centres, preferably in a different country. The contract will be for a year. The people who apply for the grant cannot have been working for more than 10 years in their current position. These grants will be equivalent to the net current salary of the applicants plus a mobility bonus of 20%.

For all three types of contract there will be a single payment of a maximum of €3,500 – depending on the destination chosen – to cover any expenses incurred.

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