Press notes 19/02/2018

Japanese students come to the URV to study Human Rights and Spanish

For two weeks, 39 students from Hiroshima will stay in Tarragona, attend classes and go on cultural visits as part of the Study Abroad programme

L'estada dels estudiants de la Universitat d'Hiroshima inclou visites culturals al territori, com un recorregut per la Tàrraco romana.

For the sixth consecutive year, students from Hiroshima University will study at the URV during the International Seminar on Human Rights. Furthermore, since the last academic year, other students from the same university have been following an intensive programme in Spanish language and culture organized by the Centre for Hispanic Studies. In total, 39 students will follow the courses on the Study Abroad programme until 3 March.

Fifteen students will attend the International Seminar on Human Rights, which will deal with a range of topics including political and social rights, the public health system, European citizenship, the treatment of gender violence and the protection of natural spaces (the latter including a visit to the Long Beach of Tarragona). During the seminar, Japanese students will work on projects with URV students and will be able to attend sessions on Spanish language and culture offered by the Centre for Hispanic Studies.

Starting last year, the same centre offers students from Hiroshima University a programme of study that includes Spanish language, the history and politics of contemporary Spain and Roman and Modernist heritage. As in the Law seminar, Japanese students interact with URV students, in this instance from the Master’s Degree in Teaching Languages: Spanish as a Foreign Language. The programme is specially designed for these Japanese students, given that 15 of the 24 on the course in Spanish language and culture have no knowledge of the language.

During their two-week stay, both groups of students from Hiroshima will visit places of interest in the Tarragona area, such as Roman Tarragona, the Modernist winery in Pinell de Brai, the Poble Vell and the Civil War interpretation centre in Corbera d’Ebre, and from elsewhere in Catalonia such as Món Sant Benet.

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