Kick-off of the Aurora Work-package on mobility and internationalisation
The meeting gathered in Tarragona representatives of the 9 Aurora member institutions

The meeting gathered in Tarragona representatives of the 9 Aurora member institutions
The URV hosted the Aurora Work Package 8 Kick-off Meeting from 4-6 March. This Work Package is titled Enabling Mobility and Exchange and is broken down into three Task Teams that handle increased mobility and standardised procedures, Internationalisation at Home, and internationalisation of institutional cultures, respectively.
During this three-day intensive work meeting the agreed on best practices, what materials would help promote the mobility opportunities, what needs to be included in a planned BIP-handbook for academic- and admin staff, how student participation in the WP will be conducted, and created a timeline for foreseeable deadlines during our next four years of work (to name only a portion of what was achieved).
Gathering in person allowed the Aurora members to share their own experiences in a much deeper way, increase understanding of each of the institutional realities, and lay the groundwork for the next years of cooperation.