08/07/2024 Opinion

Joan Miquel Canals, Commissioner for International Networks

The URV, a local and global university

The URV Internationalisation Report 2022-23 was presented at the meeting of the Governing Council on 20 June, after many years of being presented together with the report on social engagement. You can read it in Catalan here.

The separate publication of the report is another example of the importance of internationalisation to the URV, which has seen the number of international students registered for its master’s and doctoral degrees increase to 28% and 45% respectively.

The present document looks at the report’s data and draws 6 interesting conclusions:

1. In terms of long-term mobility, the URV has achieved a balance between incoming and outgoing students.

2. The URV has increased visiting staff mobility, with the numbers more than doubling on the previous year.

3. In research, 21% of the URV’s competitive funding obtained has been from international programmes (2019-23 five-year period) and 54% of URV research publications were made in international collaboration, especially with researchers in other EU countries.

4. In terms of training, the URV has gained €8.7 million from its 29 current Erasmus+ programme projects. The URV coordinates an Erasmus Mundus master’s degree and participates as a partner in two others. There are 20 master’s programmes that are taught for the most part in English and two undergraduate programmes completely taught in English, one at an affiliated centre and the other in Chemistry.

5. Regarding Internationalisation at Home, during the year 2022-23 COIL training was implemented in collaboration with 9 institutions, mainly Latin American and European, in 11 subjects, thus benefiting 10 professors and 344 URV students.

6. Finally, the PTGAS training plan included a course on inclusive internationalisation which was attended by 13 people.

This report highlights the importance of internationalisation at the URV and will be complemented soon by the updated version of the international webpages of the URV, which we hope will further increase the impact of our work and thus help us to remain as glocal as possible.

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