Nypro Plásticos Castellà
In this edition, we discuss Nypro Plásticos Castellà (Tortosa), a business focusing on the production of plastic lids and screw caps with liners. The company stands out because of its innovation capacity and its adaptation to new challenges

In this edition, we discuss Nypro Plásticos Castellà (Tortosa), a business focusing on the production of plastic lids and screw caps with liners. The company stands out because of its innovation capacity and its adaptation to new challenges
In this section, we present those areas of Southern Catalonia that are good examples of the territory’s configuration as a knowledge region. We present economic, social, cultural and natural spaces whose peculiarities and characteristics together constitute a social model based on knowledge, the objective of which is to help improve the quality of life of citizens living in the region.
Nypro Plásticos Castellà is a company dedicated to the manufacture of plastic and thermoplastic containers founded in 1973 in Tortosa. The company now forms part of the Nypro/Jabil group, the world leader in packaging, and is dedicated to the development of comprehensive packaging processes. Its clients include groups such as Unilever, Nestlé, Henkel, Danone and Procter & Gamble.
The company provides added value to its products through its emphasis on sustainability; that is, its packaging is made of 100% recyclable materials and can therefore be reused for the packaging of other materials.
Research as a tool for innovation
One of the strategic points in the corporate plan is innovation, which has allowed the company to provide alternatives and improvements in their products. This was reinforced when the Nypro/Jabil group invested €8 million euros in 2016, which enabled the improvement of the production centres in Terres de l’Ebre and the creation of a European packaging technology centre, which aims to become a leader in research and logistics in Europe [1]. Specifically, the Blue Sky technology innovation centre, located in l’Aldea, enhances territorial development and provides almost 400 highly skilled jobs.
The company has developed the following lines of research: (1) research into new plastic materials, additives and bioplastics; (2) improvements in packaging design (i.e. less weight for the same quality); (3) the design of smart labels, new printing techniques, etc.; (4) improvements to the injection processes used in packaging manufacture.
In conclusion, Nypro Plásticos Castellà has consolidated its position as the leading plastic injection packaging company [2] by developing the largest number of patents regarding plastic injection.
The need to develop the business at European level led to the acquisition of a factory in Hungary belonging to the American company Nypro. As a result of an agreement between two companies, Nypro Plásticos Castellà now has an operational base in central Europe that allows it to supply to its northern costumers.
In 2015 the company was acquired by the American multinational Jabil, one of the largest manufacturing groups in the world and listed on the stock market. The new ownership has opened up new markets and boosted the company’s capacity for internationalization and plastics research.
[1] This information has been checked on-line. See: http://www.elpuntavui.cat/economia/article/18-economia/998880-injeccio-de-8-milions-deuros-a-plasticos-castella-per-a-recerca.html [Last consultation: 24/01/2018]
[2] This information has been checked on-line. See: http://www.guiadeprensa.com/empresas/plasticos_castella [Last consultation: 24/01/2018]
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