The IHES project ends with a positive impact on internationalisation of higher education for society
Through the URV, Catalonia has been a laboratory of the project to transfer internationalisation to society

Through the URV, Catalonia has been a laboratory of the project to transfer internationalisation to society
The Internationalisation in Higher Education for Society (IHES) project reached its successful conclusion with the IHES Final Conference held in Brussels on 15th June 2023. Hosted by the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the European Union, the event saw an enthusiastic gathering of participants from partner institutions and regional governments.
The conference primarily focused on discussing the mapping report and online repository, which provided valuable insights into the potential of internationalisation in higher education for society. Attendees delved into IHES lab activities, engaging in roundtable discussions to share their experiences and thoughts. The event also provided a platform for networking, fostering fruitful connections among the diverse participants.
Throughout the project, which spanned from 2020 to 2023, a strong emphasis was placed on adopting a multi-level inclusive approach. This approach catered to the real needs of society, with an important internationalisation component and targeted higher education institutions and their networks, social actors and their networks, and regional governments. Coordinated by Palacký University Olomouc, the IHES project involved esteemed partner institutions such as the Departament d´Empresa i Coneixement (Generalitat de Catalunya), SGroup European University Network, the Academic Cooperation Association, and Lifelong Learning Platform in Belgium, and the Global Impact Institute and the Olomouc Region in the Czech Republic.
The Universitat Rovira i Virgili played a crucial role as the lead partner for the implementation of the IHES Labs, the regional labs in two distinct regions, Catalonia and the Olomouc region, where IHES activities were developed, tested, and evaluated by employing a quasi-experimental design. The results demonstrated an overwhelming satisfaction and engagement from the targeted society, highlighting the success of the initiatives carried out during the project.
The IHES Final Conference served as a testament to the collective effort of all partners, showcasing the project’s positive impact on internationalisation in higher education and its potential to meet societal demands. As the IHES project concludes, the partners look forward to further disseminating the knowledge and experiences gained, fostering a greater understanding of internationalisation’s vital role in shaping the future of higher education and society.