The new library search engine integrates all the resources available
The tool facilitates searches and incorporates new features

The tool facilitates searches and incorporates new features
The URV Library (CRAI) launches a new, faster, and easy-to-use discovery tool, which includes an improved integrated search. This new search engine uses a single integrated search when searching the URV library’s catalog, the Digital Library, and the Institutional Repository. In addition, it has more options available to search and better filtering when using the advanced option. Access the new tool through the CRAI website (www.crai.urv.cat).
The main advantages of the new tool are the following:
- Simpler and faster search across all CRAI resources, whether printed or electronic.
- Advanced search with more features.
- New features such as voice search.
- Mobile-friendly design.
- Customized user experience: create a list of favorite items, save your searches, etc.
You must sign in to the search engine to access the e-resources subscribed by the CRAI and to access “My Account” to manage your loans (place a hold, renew materials, among others).
This search engine is part of the initial phase of the implementation of the new integrated library management system. Also, new features will be incorporated during the coming months.