The “Train, Accredit, Empower yourself” campaign brings the European Year of Skills to the URV
Lifelong learning is essential to acquire new skills and adapt to new needs

Lifelong learning is essential to acquire new skills and adapt to new needs
Within the framework of the European Year of Skills, the European Documentation Center of the URV together with Europe Direct Tarragona launch the “Train, Accredit, Empower yourselft” campaing, which consists of the distribution of tablecloths in the cafeterias of the Catalunya, Sescelades and Bellissens campus. The objective is to show the need to acquire new skills that adjust to the demands of the labor market.
This campaign wants to highlight all the resources that the European Union offers its citizens to develop new skills, such as:
- What the EU is doing for you
- Europass
- EU Aid Volunteers
- Work in European institutions:
- Erasmus +
The European Year of Skills is an initiative of the European Union that wants to highlight the need to promote continuous learning and training of people and companies to adapt to the ecological and digital transformation of the world.
More information about the initiative on the European Union website.