The Universidad de la Frontera in Chile and the URV sign a new collaboration agreement
The Department of Communication Studies of the URV and the Universidad de la Frontera establish a specific agreement for staff mobility

The Department of Communication Studies of the URV and the Universidad de la Frontera establish a specific agreement for staff mobility
From 13 to 25 November, Arturo Vallejos, coordinator of the Society, Environment and Public Policy Research Line on the Doctoral Degree in Social Sciences at the Universidad de La Frontera visited the URV to undertake academic activities with the Department of Communication Studies and its Master’s Degree in Strategic Communication in the Risk Society. The visit formed part of the Fondecyt Regular project 11500576 and the Conicyt REDES 150052 project for the strengthening of collaborative networks between both universities and concluded with the signing of an agreement for the exchange of teaching staff, promoted by the URV’s International Center.
The Chilean researcher gave a presentation entitled “Towards a differentiated configuration and intervention in socio-environmental risks and conflicts”. He made progress in the production of an article on socio-environmental conflicts in mining in Latin America and the presentation of an international project between both universities, along with Professors Jordi Prades, Jordi Farré and Jan Gonzalo from the Department of Communication Studies.