The URV attends the 8th General Assembly of the OENOVITI International network
The General Assembly of the OENODOC and OENOVITI International networks takes place twice a year to discuss joint training and research projects in workgroups. Often these general assemblies are preceded by a symposium on specific topics chosen by the networks’ members

The General Assembly of the OENODOC and OENOVITI International networks takes place twice a year to discuss joint training and research projects in workgroups. Often these general assemblies are preceded by a symposium on specific topics chosen by the networks’ members
The Oenoviti Network led by the Université de Bordeaux met at Conegliano (Italy) on 27 and 28 October 2015. The Dean of the Faculty of Oenology, Professor Joan Miquel Canals, along with Professor Albert Mas and Professor Fernando Zamora attended the meeting of this network, which usually meets twice a year and has members from as far afield as Australia, South Africa, Ukraine, Japan, Chile and Turkey, to name just a few. On this occasion there was also a meeting between the international relations representatives of the different universities in the network. The idea behind the meeting was to strengthen the link between the academic and operational sides of the international collaborations that stem from the network, which meant that the International Center of the URV was also represented.