The URV attends the EAIE, the biggest European conference in Higher Education
Around 6000 participants from 95 countries attended the annual event

Around 6000 participants from 95 countries attended the annual event
The URV participated in the 29th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition in Seville, which took place from 12–15 September. The 2017 conference theme was ‘A mosaic of cultures’. The URV was represented by two members of the International Center, Marina Casals and Marina Vives, and a member of the OAM (Master’s Support Office), Meritxell Garcia.
As in previous editions, the Inter-university Council of Catalonia had a representation together with the ACUP (Catalan Association of Public Universities) in a Study in Catalonia booth that the universities of the Catalan system attending the conference could use for their meetings with international partners.
The conference has been a great opportunity to meet European and other international partners with whom the University already has collaboration or to establish new partnerships, such as Universidad Autónoma de Chile, University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Pécs, Fontys, Université Internationale de Rabat, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Université de Poitiers, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Nelson Mandela University, University of South Wales, Tampere Yliopisto, Coventry University and Nanyang Technological University.
Marina Casals is member of the General Council of the EAIE and has taken part in two sessions during the 2017 conference, both of them in relation to the professional development of university administrators and the SUCTI project.
More news about: ACUP, EAIE, International Center, Master's Support Office