The URV is set to receive 200 exchange students in February
The Erasmus+ and MOU mobility programmes bring some 200 students from around the world to the URV during the second semester 2016-17

The Erasmus+ and MOU mobility programmes bring some 200 students from around the world to the URV during the second semester 2016-17
The start of the second semester at the URV is fast approaching and students from various countries are right now packing their suitcases to come and study at the URV. According to the academic calendar, the new semester will start on 6 February, by which time most international mobility students will have arrived.
From 31 January, mobility coordinators and the International Center will start to hold welcome meetings on various campuses with the aim of helping the students get to know the university and how it works.
Also important are the mentors, a total of 35 this semester. These are URV students who have already been on international mobility visits and who have offered to help the newcomers to integrate into their new surroundings.
The most common country of origin among the incoming students is Italy, followed by France and Poland. The university welcome party will take place on 1 March.
During this academic year, a total of 445 exchange students will carry out a semester or annual mobility through the Erasmus + and MOU programmes.
More news about: Erasmus+, MOU, Student exchange; International Center; Welcome meetings; Hosting