Three campus CRAIs open for Christmas
The loan of documents and renewals will be extended until after the Christmas holidays

The loan of documents and renewals will be extended until after the Christmas holidays
The Catalunya campus CRAI (Tarragona), the Medicine and Health Sciences CRAI (Reus) and the Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI will be open during the Christmas period, from December 27 to January 5. The rest of the campus CRAI will remain closed.
Specifically, from December 27 to January 4, the opening hours of Medicine CRAI and the Catalunya campus CRAI will be from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on January 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI will also open with an extensive schedule that can be consulted through the CRAI website.
On the other hand, the loan of documents and renewals will be extended until after the Christmas holidays. In addition, the CRAI also makes available to users a series of online resources and virtual services.
As every year, the CRAI makes available a mouse pad with the CRAI 2024 calendar, which allows access to updated schedules using a QR code.