21/09/2017 Interview
Luuk Koper, student of the Zuyd Hogeschool in The Netherlands
“I learnt how to be flexible and to take on board other people’s opinions”

Luuk Koper, 3rd-year student on the Bachelor’s Degree in People and Business Management at the Zuyd Hogeschool in the Netherlands, carried out an internship at the URV’s International Center during the 2016-17 academic year
Luuk Koper, 3rd-year student on the Bachelor’s Degree in People and Business Management at the Zuyd Hogeschool in the Netherlands, carried out an internship at the URV’s International Center during the 2016-17 academic year. He particularly values his 6-month stay because it helped him to improve his professional competences and to learn teamwork skills. He was interviewed last June.
What did you do at the URV?
I was at the URV to carry out a 6 month internship as part of my degree at the International Center of the URV. My goal for the internship was to get a good understand of the kind of work they do at the International Center. My role in the office was help people out in any way that I could, for example, collaborating in project activities or helping with back office tasks.
How did you get to know the University?
My father collaborates quite often with the URV. When I said to him “I want to do an internship in Spain at a university”, he helped me to contact the URV.
I have learnt to become more independent and to negotiate life in another country
What have you learnt during your stay in Tarragona?
I have learnt a lot of things. Not only things relating to my course but also as a person. It is a really good experience to live for 6 months in another country and to get to know another culture. On the educational level I have learned a lot too. I now know all the kind of tasks that they do in a university international centre. On a personal level I think I have learnt to become more independent and to negotiate life in another country.
Why would you recommend this experience to other students?
I would really recommend this experience because I think that living in another country is really special and something that you will never forget. Besides that, I also think that it is very valuable for job interviews. I am studying People and Business Management and my internship has really helped me to develop in this area. Because of this experience I was able to develop my professional competences. I am really thankful that the URV gave me the opportunity to do this internship.
How do you think this internship will contribute to your career?
I think that when I come to do a job interview it will really help me to get the job. It will help me also with my work. One example is that during my stay I contributed to the BOOST project, whose goal is to write a manual for other universities around the world. The manual will describe how the current International Center of the URV is organised and the various functions it carries out. My task was to support this project by making an organigram and a workflow chart. During my internship I worked with colleagues and learnt how to be flexible and to take on board other people’s opinions. And I have also improved my language skills!
What are your future plans?
My future plans are to continue studying and do a master’s degree. After that I don´t know what I want to do. Maybe I will start something on my own. I think it would be a good challenge to create a small business and make it a success.