25/11/2024 Interview
Bahareh Khezri, Researcher in the URV's Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry
Nanorobots and electrochemistry: the research by Bahareh Kherzi

The researcher, ICREA research professor at the URV, investigates chemical reactions conducted with electricity and the design of synthetic nanorobots for environmental and health applications
Bahareh Kherzi is a researcher in the URV’s Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry. She studied applied chemistry at the Isfahan University of Technology and a master’s degree in analytical chemistry at the University of Isfahan, Iran. In recognition of her talent, she was awarded the Singapore International Graduate Award, which enabled her to study for her doctorate at the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, one of the best universities in the world.
After publishing her thesis on the chemical composition of airborne particles, she switched from analytical chemistry to electrochemistry, which led her to join the Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore. There she focused her research on developing more sustainable ways of producing chemicals and was able to broaden her knowledge at the University of Cambridge.
After working at various research institutions in the Czech Republic, where she gained experience in nanorobotics, she moved to the Catalan Institute for Chemical Research, where she received the Beatriu de Pinós grant in 2021. After one year she obtained a Ramon i Cajal grant at the University of Barcelona and, once she discovered the URV, she decided to apply for a transfer there. Bahareh Kherzi has been an ICREA research professor at the URV since January 2024.
What interests did you have when you were a child? Why did you choose to study chemistry?
I have always been very curious about how things work. Especially when it comes to nature. I’ve always been fascinated by the things you can learn through science. I liked all the disciplines of science, such as physics and biology, but I remember falling in love with chemistry in high school, thanks to an exceptional teacher. I still remember how he explained atoms, electrons, orbitals and the basis of chemistry; he was an incredible teacher. His passion and his methods left an impression on me. In fact, I use some of his methods in my classes.
Are you aware of the success you have had?
I suppose I am. He taught at the same school as my mother. Whenever I go to visit, I always ask about him. He is now retired but he had a great impact, not only on me, but on many of his students.
So, from that moment on it was clear to you that you wanted to dedicate yourself to chemistry.
In fact, my original plan was to study mathematics and then philosophy. But my father was a chemist and he and his friends convinced me to change my mind. And I don’t regret it at all. I think that, through chemistry, you can answer many questions about the world. If you look around you, everything revolves around chemistry: the water you drink, the food you eat, the clothes you wear and the medicines you take. Even the emotions you feel. It is fascinating.
Did you have any heroes in the field of Chemistry?
At that time, whenever I learnt something, whether it was about chemistry or any other science, I used to look for information about the person who had discovered it. I found it especially interesting to know details about their lives. I remember that the figure of Marie Curie caught my attention because she was a woman, the first woman I came across in the field of chemistry. I found a book about her life, I think it was called Marie Curie: A Life, and I was inspired by her story and her dedication to research in a field dominated by men.
You are currently focusing your career on electrochemistry and synthetic nanorobots.
When I tell people that I work in these two lines of research, they are a bit surprised. At first glance they seem very different, but they have some things in common. In the first, we use electricity to induce or control a chemical reaction. Although it has always been an important subfield in chemistry, recent technological advances have expanded the potential. We believe that electrochemistry can play an important role in many of the challenges we face, from energy storage to environmental sustainability. As far as nanobots are concerned, they are tiny machines that we design to carry out a specific task. We call them synthetic robots because we make them by synthesising them through chemical reactions.
What can be done with these robots?
We still face many challenges, but there are many possible applications. For example, we can use nanorobots to clean up the environment, making them capture or degrade pollutants, hormones, microplastics, heavy metals… The advantage of using them is that they can be designed to attack a specific target and have the ability to move on their own.
There are different ways to make them grow, depending on the limitations of the environment in which they have to work: by means of a chemical reaction, magnetic stimuli, providing them with photosensitive parts… For example, if our nanobot contains silver and is in a medium rich in hydrogen peroxide, this is decomposed to produce oxygen gas in a reaction that makes the robot move.
In biomedical applications these reactions are not always possible because they may require compounds that are harmful to humans. This is why magnetic or light stimuli are used to guide them. This is a very promising technology that could significantly reduce the side effects of cancer treatments, as the nanorobots could apply the medication to a very specific region of the body, reducing the impact on healthy tissues.
And with electrochemistry?
Today, electrochemistry is a very important branch for the future of the chemical industry, especially regarding decarbonisation and the transition to green energy. For example, with electrochemistry we can obtain hydrogen from water in a process that releases oxygen into the atmosphere, a process we call electrolysis. This hydrogen can be used as a source of sustainable energy. Other applications of electrochemistry include the development of energy storage solutions, such as electric batteries, and the design and improvement of photovoltaic cells. We can pave the way towards a cleaner and more sustainable future by making electrochemistry the cornerstone of the chemical industry.
You have been an ICREA research professor since last year. What does this recognition mean to you?
It is an honour and a milestone in my career. Being recognised by ICREA not only contributes to advancing my research but also provides me with a platform to attract talented researchers to the areas of study in which I work. I think this is the best thing that has happened to my professional career. Before I felt like I had to climb a ladder to make progress, but now they have given me a lift. I am very grateful.
You have done research at institutions around the world. Why did you choose the URV?
I chose the URV because it is a young university with a lot of potential. I believe that the University can grow a lot, gain recognition and develop a very good reputation. I feel supported by the management team, which is very important when you work at a university. That way you can do good research and get recognition so that the university develops its reputation. It’s a chain: we’re connected to each other. I’m happy here and I have decided to stay. Of all the places I’ve been, this is where I’ve felt most at home. I like the people, the food, the climate and I feel welcome: I’ve never felt treated like a foreigner.
What scientific discovery or breakthrough would you like to make?
I would like to make progress in the fields in which I am already working, especially in synthetic nanorobots. I think we could have an impact not only on the scientific community but also on society, especially in the field of health. This technology could save lives and make the world a better place. But I would also like to make advances in electrochemistry; for example, by developing efficient and sustainable methods of hydrogen production and carbon dioxide conversion we can mitigate climate change.
On your LinkedIn profile you include: “To me, chemistry is power and art”. Why is chemistry an art?
I had a lecturer at my degree who, in our first class, said to us: “Welcome to the class of power and art; you can also call it inorganic chemistry”. It is on the atomic scale that chemistry takes place. Art on a minuscule scale. The interactions and reactions take place with great precision and beauty. Now, if I had to say it myself, I would go further: “Welcome to the class of power, art, love and bonds”. Chemistry is about creation and innovation and it forces you to think the way an artist does.