First-year bachelor’s classes can be taught in blended format
Each of the URV’s faculties and schools will inform students which subjects will be taught face-to-face in line with COVID-19 safety measures. All other courses, both bachelor’s and master’s will continue to be taught online

Each of the URV’s faculties and schools will inform students which subjects will be taught face-to-face in line with COVID-19 safety measures. All other courses, both bachelor’s and master’s will continue to be taught online
During the second semester, theoretical classes for first-year bachelor’s students can be taught face-to-face, online or in a combination of the two (blended learning). This is the announcement made in the resolution issued by the rector of the URV, María José Figueras, who has transferred the latest measure approved by the PROCICAT to the University’s teaching community.
The rector states that the new blended teaching approach to first-year bachelor’s students must also allow students who choose to do so to receive all of their classes online via the technical equipment installed in the classrooms. She also issued a reminder that all COVID-19 safety measures still need to be followed in the classroom; that is, the number of people in a classroom must not exceed 30% of its capacity, social distancing must be maintained at all times between students and the use of facemasks and hand disinfectant is obligatory.
The new measure is in response to concerns raised by the university community regarding the need to allow students who have started their degrees this academic year to get to know each other in person, given that they still haven’t been able to attend any theoretical classes on campus. In this regard, the rector has asked the faculties and schools to take into account the requests of both first-year bachelor’s students and teaching staff when planning the new blended teaching model for the coming semester.
The rector’s resolution will remain in force pending any changes in the measures issued by the health authorities in response to the epidemiological situation. For bachelor’s students in their second or subsequent year of their bachelor’s degrees or who are studying for master’s or postgraduate degrees, there will be no change to the measures established in the resolution issued on 13 October 2020, which limits face-to-face activity solely to practical classes and assessments that require this format.
Each faculty or school will inform its first-year bachelor’s students via the virtual campus and any other media that it considers appropriate about which subjects are affected by the changes announced in the resolution issued on 9 February 2021.53