Increase the use of face-to-face services at the CRAI in the last two years
The CRAI has published the infographics "CRAI in a day", "CRAI in figures" and "CRAI in figures". Information resources", a data summary of the CRAI's activity during 2022

The CRAI has published the infographics "CRAI in a day", "CRAI in figures" and "CRAI in figures". Information resources", a data summary of the CRAI's activity during 2022
The CRAI has recorded a general increase compared to the previous 2 years in the use of all the services it offers, especially those it provides face-to-face. An example of this is the increase in the number of loans of documents, equipment and CRAI spaces that in 2021 was 78,807 and in 2022 of 122,072, which results in an increase of 35.4%, or the daily average loan of group work spaces in 2022 which is 122 loans per day. Accesses to the CRAI follow the same upward trend with an average of daily accesses to the CRAI of 2,714 accesses, a figure that is close to the data from before the pandemic.
The number of digital library resources has also increased by 19,461, reaching the figure of 357,624 resources. Regarding its use, they have registered good data during 2022, a total of 4,876 daily consultations.
Of the data collected, it is worth noting the training data which have registered an increase both in the number of sessions (568) and in the number of attendees (8,271), carried out both in virtual and face-to-face format.
On the other hand, the figures show how the CRAI has consolidated itself as a brand on social networks with a total of 3,222 followers, in the 4 social networks it has. In addition, it is necessary to highlight the increase in promotion and dissemination actions carried out by the CRAI, a total of around 299 actions, which include everything from exhibitions to centers of interest.
All the data can be consulted in the infographics: