Student mobility applications on the rise
During October and November, URV students have had the opportunity to apply for outgoing international mobility programmes for the 2018/19 academic year, and nominations have been received for incoming mobility students for the second semester of the current academic year

During October and November, URV students have had the opportunity to apply for outgoing international mobility programmes for the 2018/19 academic year, and nominations have been received for incoming mobility students for the second semester of the current academic year
On 17 October, all URV students interested in undertaking an international mobility visit had the chance to attend an information session on all the mobility programmes currently on offer at the University. The session was held in the Main Lecture Theatre of the Catalunya campus and was retransmitted live to all URV campuses to reach as wide an audience as possible.
More than 500 URV students have applied to undertake mobility visits under the auspices of the Erasmus+, MOU and ISEP programmes for the purposes of study, a slight increase on the 480 who applied last year. Throughout the year, students will also be able to apply for internships through the Erasmus+ and MOU programmes. Furthermore, there have been efforts to encourage applications to the Erasmus+ International programme, through which students can undertake mobility visits at non-European institutions (for example in Australia, Japan, Vietnam or Morocco) whilst remaining under the umbrella of the Erasmus+ programme.
Erasmus+ grants have also been offered for administrative and services staff and teaching and research staff who are interested in mobility visits in both Europe and the wider world, and the whole university community has again been offered the chance to apply for I-Networks grants to participate in the internationalising activities organised by the networks of which the URV is a member (INU, SGroup, AUIP, among others).
Every year the URV also attracts increasing numbers of international students, with a total of 190 student nominations from partner universities for the second semester of the current academic year.