
The Data Management Plan, new requirement for Projects I+D+i 2020 of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

The new regulations affect the "Rects Research" and "Generation of Knowledge" modalities

The Data Management Plan (PGD) now becomes a mandatory document in the technical justifications of projects that will end in the coming months. This measure by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which affects the “Challenges Research” and “Generation of Knowledge” modalities of the Projects I+D+i of the 2020 call, seeks to ensure adequate and responsible management of the data generated during the development of projects.

According to the JUSTIWEB tool, designed to manage justifications, the inclusion of the PGD is essential for the correct justification of the projects affected. The “Instrucciones de ejecución y justificación”  emphasize the importance of this data management plan as a key element in ensuring transparency and adequacy in data manipulation. In addition, the “Instrucciones para la elaboración del Plan de Gestión de Datos”  detail that researchers can use any template or tool for the creation of the PGD, provided that it includes key information such as the summary of the data, the associated responsibilities, the FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and data security.

In this context, the URV makes available to the entire university community the eiNaDMP tool, which includes a staff of the State Plan that meets the requirements of the Ministry, thus facilitating compliance with the new regulations. This video offers the introduction on what a PGD is and how the eiNaDMP tool works. In addition, you can find more information in the Data Management Plan guide.

With this initiative, it is intended to improve the quality and responsibility in the management of the data of research projects, encouraging a culture of transparency and accessibility to scientific information.

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