The Faculty of Chemistry obtains the institutional accreditation
It is the first center of a Catalan public university to achieve this recognition in the field of Chemistry and Biochemistry

It is the first center of a Catalan public university to achieve this recognition in the field of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The Faculty of Chemistry of the URV has obtained the institutional accreditation, which makes it the first and, for the time being, the only faculty of a Catalan public university with this accreditation in the field of Chemistry and Biochemistry. In addition, it is one of the top 10 accredited centers in Catalonia. In this way, the Faculty renews the accreditation of all the official university bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees that are taught at this center for the next five years.
Institutional accreditation certifies that the faculty has developed its teaching with quality. At the same time, it guarantees that it has the mechanisms to ensure the quality of all the processes affecting the training actions carried out by the center. This fact is supported by obtaining the certification of the implementation of its Internal Quality Assurance System, which in the case of the Faculty of Chemistry was obtained last May and which stood out in two respects: in support systems for learning and students, which is in an advanced state of implementation, and in the academic staff section, with four out of six quality standards assessed with the maximum rating.
The commitment of the Faculty of Chemistry to the quality of its teaching comes from afar, as it was a pilot center in the URV in the call for the AUDIT 2007 Program of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) for the design and implementation of an internal quality assurance system.
Regarding the process of accreditation of their degrees, the Bachelor’s degree of Chemistry, the Bachelor’s degree of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the master’s degree in Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design obtained the highest qualification “Accredited with excellence” by the agency for the quality of the university system of Catalonia (AQU). For its part, the master’s degree in Nutrition and Metabolism obtained the qualification of “Accredited ”, achieving “with quality” 4 of the 6 standards evaluated. In addition, AQU have recognized these four degrees with an additional seal which accredits an interaction between research and excellent teaching with the mention “with quality”.
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