The University of Borås visits the URV
Administrative staff from the Swedish university were interested in the management of mobility and administration of students at the URV

Administrative staff from the Swedish university were interested in the management of mobility and administration of students at the URV
On 4 and 5 October, the URV was visited by administrative staff from the University of Borås, Sweden, who were interested in learning about the work of the International Center and in getting to know the staff and facilities of the Faculty of Nursing.
On the first day, they were shown round the Terres de l’Ebre Campus by its mobility coordinator, Marisa Mateu. They also held a meeting with professors and the director of the Campus during which they gave a presentation on their own university and the courses that it offers. The visit was rounded off with a tour of the historic centre of Tortosa.
On the second day, they visited the International Center where they were introduced to its mobility staff and learnt how the centre functioned. They met Marina Vives, who is responsible for staff mobility at the URV, before visiting the Faculty of Nursing at the Catalunya Campus, accompanied by Maria Jiménez, mobility coordinator and head of the Department of Nursing.
The visitors from the University of Borås were either staff involved in the internationalisation and exchange of students (Andreas Sikström, assistant head of the Faculty; Helena Gjertz, Linda Lindstedt and Yvonne Samuelsson, international coordinators) or involved in the internal administration of students and in activities to welcome and receive external students (Catarina Lindhé, Ingela Hellsten, Ewa Skelte and Agneta Karlsson).