Press notes 18/03/2019

The URV brings together leading international experts in complex networks

The CompleNet conference brings together 150 researchers to discuss the latest developments in this area of research

Mason A. Porter during the inaugural talk of the international CompleNet conference.

Research in complex networks has increased in recent years to cover areas as diverse as the creation of mathematical algorithms that can help to understand social diffusion phenomena, the sharing of sexual explicit material involving children on the dark web, or the nature of collective behaviour during exceptional events. These are just some of the topics that were discussed from Monday to Thursday at the international conference on complex networks (CompleNet), which brings together researchers and professionals from various disciplines who work in areas related to complex networks.

It is the first time that this international conference has taken place in Spain. It was hosted by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and organised by the Alephsys Lab group, led by researcher Alex Arenas. The sessions were held at the Tarragona Seminar, and about 150 scientists in this field of research from around the world participated.

Over the last two decades there has been an exponential increase in the number of publications and research centres dedicated to the field of complex networks. These include biological systems, computing, technical and computer networks, economic systems and social systems. Complex networks are becoming commonplace in interdisciplinary fields.

The first talk was given by Professor Mason Porter, who spoke about networks, politics and voting. He also mentioned the use of mathematical algorithms to forecast voting in the United States. Porter is known for the interdisciplinary nature of his research. The contributions made by Porter in his research are related to disease transmission, social networks and transport systems. He has received several awards for his work and is a member of the American Physical Society and the American Mathematical Society.

The opening of the scientific conference.

The event was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Scientific Planning, Francesc Díaz, and the president of the organization, researcher Alex Arenas, who is also the leader of the “Algorithms embedded in physical systems” (Alephsys) research group at the URV. The scientific journal Complexity and Repsol collaborated in the organization of the event.

 Los sistemas complejos

The Internet, friendship networks in schools, insects and organisms are all examples of complex systems. They are regarded as such not only because of their properties but also because of the interactions between their components. Understanding the complexity of these interactions is essential to overcoming current challenges. One of the key aspects of these systems is the difficulties regarding computational modelling and simulation, which require a multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach involving many disciplines.

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