
The URV celebrates Open Data Day

The CRAI supports researchers in open access publishing, the development of a data management plan, and the curation and deposit of research data.

Open Data Day is celebrated on March 6, 2025 , an international initiative promoted by the Open Knowledge Foundation since 2010. During this day, activities are organized worldwide to promote and use open data with the aim of fostering open data policies in the areas of government, business and society in general.

This year, the thematic focus is on the role of open data in addressing polycrisis, a concept that encompasses the intersection between climate justice, poverty, inequalities, violence, conflicts and the response to climate and global catastrophes.

Continuous commitment to open management of research data at the URV

The Rovira i Virgili University, committed to open science, approved the Institutional Open Access Policy for Research Data in 2021. This policy establishes that data derived from international and national research projects funded with public funds must be deposited and disseminated through the means that the URV makes available to the university community: the institutional repository and the consortium Research Data Repository (RDR) .

A total of 206 datasets have been deposited in the institutional repository. In the RDR, 1,433 files have been deposited in the last three years, organized into 42 datasets, and have received more than 3,000 downloads.

The URV’s CRAI supports researchers in both the curation and deposit of research data, as well as in open access publication and in the development of the data management plan.

Training activities for Open Data Day

As part of this celebration, on March 6, the CRAI will teach the course “We help you publish in open access, develop the data management plan and publish research data in open access” within the ICE’s PROFID training program, aimed at teaching staff and doctoral students.

In addition, until June 15, 2025, the self-learning courses “Open Access Research Data Management and Data Management Plan” and “Publishing in Open Access” will be available, in Catalan, English and Spanish.

Registrations can be made through the ICE ( for PDI and doctoral students ) and the PTGAS Training Plan. On the occasion of Open Data Day, the CRAI has developed a new Research Data Management Guide in order to provide organized and updated information.

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