Press notes 20/05/2019

The URV is among the 20 state universities that have received the most H2020 funding

If the figures were weighted in terms of number of permanent teaching and research staff and number of projects awarded, the URV would be ranked eighth for the period 2014-2018

The Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) has published a report on the subsidies that Spanish organisations have obtained as part of the research and innovation framework programme of the European Union Horizon 2020. The data that they have published show that public sector organisations are involved in one in four proposals that have obtained funding for research activities.

In this report, the URV appears among the top twenty Spanish universities to have received the most funding in the first five years of the programme (2014-2018). This is out of more than 80 universities in the country as a whole. Also, the URV has been awarded 27 projects, 10 of which are coordinated by the University. If the figures were weighted for the number of projects awarded and the number of permanent teaching and research staff (PDI), the URV would be in eighth position.

All kinds of organisation can participate in the H2020 programme. In Spain, these include, in descending order, companies, universities, public research centres, research associations, technology centres, and public associations. Catalonia remains the community that has obtained the most funding so far, with 29.7% of the total, followed by Madrid (24.5%), and the Basque Country (14.6%).

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