The URV welcomes its new intake of international students for the 2018-19 academic year
740 new students from other countries will be studying at the University during the first semester

740 new students from other countries will be studying at the University during the first semester
International students who have come to the URV to study for the new academic year gathered yesterday for the annual welcome event. The aim of the I-Center was to tell them about the University and the services that they can access in order to help them find their way around and learn about the activities that will help them to integrate into their new surroundings.
In total, for the first semester of the 2018-19 academic year there are 740 students from other countries studying at the URV for the first time: 274 are exchange students on mobility programmes; 62 are here through the specific programme that the FURV runs in China; 69 are first-year bachelor’s degree students; 177 are first-year master’s degree students, and 158 are new doctoral students.

The welcome event was held in the Main Lecture Theatre and presented by Helle Kettner, a URV alumna who studied here through the Erasmus programme. To inform the students about everything that the URV has to offer them, Helle Kettner put a series of questions to the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, John Style, the coordinator of the I-Center, Marina Casals, the coordinator of the Language Service, John Bates, and a representative of URV’s human tower building team. The welcome event concluded with a performance by Factoria Folk and a light buffet in the main square of the campus.

More news about: Mobility programmes