The URV Pataquers hold the Spring Exhibition
As well as the URV human tower team, which constructed several 6-tier towers, six other university teams participated as guests

As well as the URV human tower team, which constructed several 6-tier towers, six other university teams participated as guests
Last Thursday afternoon, the Bellissens Campus (Reus) hosted the Spring Exhibition organised by the URV Pataquers. Six other university teams were invited: the Bergants of the Terrassa campus of the UPC, the Ganàpies of the UAB, the Grillats of the Baix Llobregat campus of the UPC, the Llunàtics of the Vilanova UPC, the Trempats of the UPF and the Xoriguers of the UdG.
Hundreds of people attended the exhibition, which began at 5 p.m. with the introductory pillars. The University’s human tower team started with a 2 by 6, while in the second round, they managed a 5 by 6 after a false start. In the third round, they simultaneously constructed a 3 by 6 and a 4 by 6, and they completed their performance with a pillar of 5. The other teams constructed 5-, 6- and 7-tier towers. The farewell pillars put an end to the performance.

This exhibition organised by the Pataquers was the first of the spring season for university human tower teams. On 11 May they will perform at the exhibition organised by the Grillats in Castelldefels, on 18 May at the exhibition of the Ganàpies day at the UAB and on 25 May at the exhibition of the Penjats on the Manresa campus.