URV is the best university to study the Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry in Spain, according to the U-ranking of Spanish universities 2017
This university ranking, developed by the BBVA Foundation and the IVIE Institut, analyses the academic, research, and innovation and technological development results obtained by the 61 Spanish universities

This university ranking, developed by the BBVA Foundation and the IVIE Institut, analyses the academic, research, and innovation and technological development results obtained by the 61 Spanish universities
URV is the best university to study the Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry in Spain, according to the U-ranking of Spanish universities 2017. This university ranking, developed by the BBVA Foundation and the IVIE Institut, analyses the academic, research, and innovation and technological development results obtained by the 61 Spanish universities (48 public and 13 private).
The last edition of the ranking also analysed the employability of the graduated students, based on the data given by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain.

More information in the website of the U-Ranking.
Posted at: Faculty of Chemistry, Quality, Science & Technology
More news about: bachelor's degree in chemistry, U-Ranking
More news about: bachelor's degree in chemistry, U-Ranking