The URV announces a new call for 77 predoctoral research contracts through the Martí i Franquès programme
Candidates have until 2 September 2019 to present their applications

Candidates have until 2 September 2019 to present their applications
The URV has once again announced a call for applications for trainee predoctoral research contracts funded by the Martí i Franquès programme. It is the ninth edition of the call, which is offering 77 new contracts in various areas of knowledge for people who want to do a doctoral degree. The deadline for submitting applications is 2 September 2019.
Successful candidates will be awarded a one-year contract that can be extended to up to three years, with a gross salary of 1343 euros a month during the first two years and 1439 euros during the third year. The intention is that they can complete their doctoral theses as part of a URV research group on one of the University’s doctoral programmes.
Their principal obligation will be to complete their doctoral theses, but they will also have the opportunity to collaborate in teaching. They will have access to a specific training programme in transversal competences and to high quality research facilities in an international setting.
The Martí i Franquès programme is a URV initiative to offer grants with the intention of increasing the number of people conducting research at the University. At the same time, it strengthens doctoral programmes, promotes doctoral theses and reinforces the training received by doctoral students in research and innovation projects.
The current call for applications will be resolved in October and all the information relating to it can be found on the website of the Martí i Franquès programme for predoctoral researchers.