A campaign informs students about their language rights
Students have the right to be taught mainly in Catalan, to attend classes that are taught in the language announced and to have introductory Catalan courses if they are newcomers

Students have the right to be taught mainly in Catalan, to attend classes that are taught in the language announced and to have introductory Catalan courses if they are newcomers
The URV has launched a campaign “Live the URV in Catalan”, which aims to inform and raise awareness among university students about the language rights they have when using Catalan at the University.
These are, for example, to be taught mainly in Catalan, to be told in which language each subject will be taught before enrolling, to ensure that Catalan is the language used to teach the subjects in which it has been announced as the language of instruction, to use Catalan (orally and in writing) in all academic activities, and to have introductory Catalan language courses if they are newcomers.
The university community is informed of their rights by posters and postcards on the campuses and a series of videos that will be published for the next six weeks on social networks. They also have at their disposal the Language Policy Commission to resolve any infringements of their language rights.
The campaign is carried out in compliance with the URV’s Language Policy Plan for 2023-2026, which raises awareness of language rights among the university community through specific campaigns and other means of dissemination (action 1.4.3). The Catalan universities as a whole are also committed to raise awareness on this issue and have published the Plan for the Reinforcement of Catalan in the University and Research System of Catalonia, which describes these language rights based on prevailing legislation.
The campaign can be consulted at the website Llengües URV.