A series of videos on the research of the PhD fellows of the Martí and Franquès COFUND Programme is presented
The series "Meet our fellows" highlights the profile of the PhD fellows, their research projects and their experience at the URV as beneficiaries of a grant from the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

The series "Meet our fellows" highlights the profile of the PhD fellows, their research projects and their experience at the URV as beneficiaries of a grant from the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
This week, the first ten videos of the series “Meet our fellows” produced by the Martí i Franquès COFUND (MFP-COFUND) programme of the URV have been released. The videos are intended to give visibility to the programme’s PhD students and the results of their research. This audio-visual product, produced on the television set of the URV’s Department of Communication Studies, is part of the communication and dissemination strategy of the MFP-COFUND project and it is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
The first videos correspond to doctoral researchers from five departments of our university: Despoina Schina, from Pedagogy; Gerard Baquer, Aanchal Alagh and Anand Ambily, from Electrical, Electronic and Automatic Engineering; Tahereh Maghsoudi, Othmane Aride and Yaghoub Abdi, from Business Management; Edilene Pereira (IRTA) and Laura Uribe, from Chemical Engineering; and Karen Hall, from Anthropology, Social Work and Philosophy.
The videos are available on the MFP-COFUND webpage and on the URV’s YouTube channel. Over the next year, the series will be expanded with new videos, coinciding with the hiring of 50 new researchers of the programme.