Since 2014, URV has received 7.9 million euros for two projects of the COFUND-doctoral programme Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
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The Doctoral program in Anthropology and Communication at the Rovira i Virgili University held the first defense of an online doctoral thesis. The work of the already doctor Hanan Ezzat addresses youth identities and the use of social networks in the Egyptian context and has been directed by Iolanda Tortajada
The European Commission has awarded the URV’s Martí i Franquès programme more than four million euros to be used to contract 50 predoctoral researchers. The selection process will take place over two editions in 2020 and 2021, and the chosen candidates will each be awarded a three-year contract. The university will contribute a further four million euros to the project. The URV is one of three institutions in Spain to have received funding in the last call of the European Commission’s COFUND-DP programme, and it is the one that has received the most money
All URV buildings and facilities will be closed except for the essential basic services, mechanisms to ensure non-presential working and teaching are established, and the deadlines for internal URV regulations and procedures are suspended until further notice
Doctoral students are challenged to explain their research to the general public. The winner will go through to the final round to compete against representatives of other Catalan universities
Candidates for the Trainee Predoctoral Research Contracts have until 9 January 2020 to present their applications
The URV presented its progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the Aurora Network project for measuring scientific contributions to social challenges, research on governance and environmental law, and a sustainable desalination project
The programme aims to improve research results by improving the relationship between researchers and doctoral students
The essay explains the importance of transdisciplinary knowledge in order to be a good management practitioner
Candidates have until 2 September 2019 to present their applications