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The researchers are part of the Martí i Franquès COFUND Fellowship Programme which is jointly funded by the European Union as part of its Horizon 2020 programme. This new programme at the URV will recruit 25 predoctoral researchers this year and another 25 next year, all on three-year contracts. The call for applications is open from 15 February to 15 April 2017

230 representatives from 143 institutions in 29 European countries have converged today on the Main Lecture Theatre at the Catalunya Campus to discuss doctoral training. The official opening of the meeting featured speeches from the URV’s rector Josep Anton Ferré, Francesc Díaz, director of the URV’s Postgraduate and Doctoral School, and Melita Kovacevic, from the University of Zagreb (Croatia). The meeting will last for two days and has been organised the Council for Doctoral Education (CDE) of the European University Association

“Doctoral training: a dilemma of quality or quantity?” This will be the central theme of the annual meeting organised by the Council for Doctoral Education (CDE) of the European University Association. The meeting will take place on 16 and 17 June at the Catalunya Campus of the URV and will bring together 230 representatives of 143 institutions from 29 European countries

The 9th Seminar of the EUA-CDE on Doctoral supervision, practices and responsibilities, held in the Netherlands saw the URV’s Postgraduate and Doctoral School playing a leading role in the session entitled Engaging and training supervisors, which discussed the process of professionalising doctoral supervision

Academics, managers and heads of doctoral training programmes from ten Latin American countries gathered at the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) to examine alternative ways of enhancing the supervision of doctoral theses and sharing institutional experiences. The team coordinating the seminar was made up of professors from the URV who have been organizing workshops on doctoral supervision since 2012

The Council for Doctoral Education (CDE) of the EUA has brought together 240 participants from 34 countries in its 8th annual meeting to debate the current and future state of doctoral studies. The URV attended the meeting, which took place on 18 and 19 June at the Technical University Munich. Tarragona will host the next meeting of the DCE on 16 and 17 June 2016