Diari digital de la URV -

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It has been made with three dimensional models of the ear cavities by an international team with the participation of one researcher from IPHES. The study concludes that early hominids had a hearing similar to chimpanzees, but with differences that already closer to modern human. The impact of the previous study about the acoustic capabilities of the preneandertals at Atapuerca has allowed the realization of this research in Australopithecus and Paranthropus

The Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution is conducting an international search for a new director after Eudald Carbonell announced that he was standing down in order to spend more time carrying out research in Africa. He will also return to teaching as a professor at the URV and will continue to play a key role in the Atapuerca Foundation

On Friday 15 May the URV awarded an honorary doctorate to Paul Preston, 69, in an academic ceremony in the Auditorium at the Offices of the Rector. The URV is the first university in Catalonia and in the Spanish State to award an honorary doctorate to Paul Preston, who was born in Liverpool and is one of the most widely respected historians of contemporary Spanish history