The Doctoral program in Anthropology and Communication at the Rovira i Virgili University held the first defense of an online doctoral thesis. The work of the already doctor Hanan Ezzat addresses youth identities and the use of social networks in the Egyptian context and has been directed by Iolanda Tortajada
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It lived around 2.6 million years ago and was significantly larger than the extant members of the genus Golunda
The move online and the opportunity to study part-time help students as they prepare for their professional careers
Genetic material from an 800,000-year-old human fossil has been retrieved for the first time
It has been revealed through the study of cut marks on fossils from Atapuerca and other European sites. The research has been led by Francesc Marginedas, a student of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution Degree at the Rovira i Virgili University
It will be held in Tarragona on September 12th and 13th and abstracts can be sent until April 30th.
Kulkänti Barboza, from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the German university, met three representatives from the URV
Training course to work with families
The course was an opportunity to know a tool that may be valuable to improve social work with families