The ranking recognises impact in terms of the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals and evaluates nearly 2,000 universities. Overall, the URV is in the top 200 in the world
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The award recognises the University for its high level of achievement through the implementation of its equality plans
The URV Festival repeats its success
The performances by Tremenda Jauría, LesQueFaltaBand and DJ Trapella ended a day full of activities for thousands of participants
Changes in lighting and vegetation, and restricted access are some of the gender-perspective measures proposed.
The room at the Catalunya campus makes it possible for women to continue breastfeeding when they return to work after maternity leave
Lagarde is known for her scientific and political contributions to the struggle against feminicides
The eminent sociologist, a pioneer in feminist research on education in Spain, argues for the dissolution and disappearance of gender in order to reach a new stage of equality and freedom among all people
At the meeting of the University Senate on 26 November the committees entrusted with drafting a new scientific policy plan to substitute the one that has been in force since 2001 were constituted. The proposal for restructuring the courses provided by the faculties and school, and the reports by the Ombuds Officer and on the Quality and Equality plans were also submitted