
CRAI users can borrow laptops and other equipment from self-service machines

More than 12,000 loans have been made with the self-service machine from November to January.

Self-service loan machine.

The CRAI has installed four self-service loan machines for laptops and other equipment at the libraries of Bellissens, Catalunya, Medicine, and Sescelades.

These self-service machines are called Pres-TECH and allow users to borrow laptops, group rooms, equipment from the Factoria, such as cameras or video cameras, tripods, recorders, a mouse, or calculators on their own.

Pres-TECH has been well-received by students. Proof of this is the loan data recorded by these machines. From November to January, students made a total of 12,371 self-loans. The most borrowed equipment, in recent months, is group rooms (8,035 loans) and laptops (3,657 loans).

Pres-TECH machines are easy to use. There is a screen with which users identify themselves with the URV card, physical or digital, and choose the type of equipment or workspace they want. The system reports the deadline and then opens the locker with the material.

These tailor-made loan machines have been designed by the company SerDoc. They have created different types of lockers depending on the needs of each CRAI. In addition, there are accessible lockers for people with reduced mobility, contributing to the actions carried out as Inclusive CRAI.

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