Discovering Southern Catalonia: Biosfer Teslab
Biosfer Teslab is a spin-off of the Rovira i Virgili University and the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute, which provides an example on R+D+I business

Biosfer Teslab is a spin-off of the Rovira i Virgili University and the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute, which provides an example on R+D+I business
In this section, we present those areas that are good examples of Southern Catalonia’s status as a knowledge region. We discuss the economic, social, cultural and natural spaces whose peculiarities and characteristics constitute a social model based on knowledge, the objective of which is to help improve the quality of life of the people living in the region.
Spin-offs are one of the results of applying the knowledge generated by university research. Among others, in 2013, Biosfer Teslab (Reus) was created. This company is a spin-off of the Rovira i Virgili University and the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute, which uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and other high-performance technology to diagnose cardiovascular risks in patients.
Its principal product is the Liposcale test, “an advanced lipoprotein test based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)” [1] which provides more accurate results than habitual procedures. In particular, this innovative product makes it possible to determine the size and number of cholesterol and lipoprotein particles, which gives added value to clinical practice.

Among its potential clients, there are various pharmaceutical and food industries, analysis labs, research centers, and universities.
Research as a source of knowledge… and business
The spin-off is the result of two PhDs by Núria Amigó and Roger Mallol working as members of the URV’s Metabolomics Platform, managed by Professor Xavier Correig in collaboration with the Research Unit in Lipids and Arteriosclerosis led by Professor Lluís Masana.
The Liposcale patent belongs to the Rovira i Virgili University and Pere Virgili Health Research Institute, and is a big step forward in the field of international health.
Biosfer Teslab has been awarded many scientific and business prizes: for example, it was a finalist in the 6th edition of BioEmprenedorXXI, VALORTEC, Big Booster (Boston), and Premis Gresol for Young Talent, and won the URV’s Board of Trustees’ Prize for entrepreneurial ideas, first prize of the 10th Premis ReusEmpresa, the Junior Chamber International of Tarragona Prize for medical innovation, and the Tarragona Provincial Council’s Premis Emprèn.
Biosfer has also received funding from the URV’s valuation unit, ACCIÓ, ENISA, the NEOTEC Programme, Torres Quevedo, and the Industrial PhD Plan.
R+D: innovation as a future guarantee
In its quest to guarantee competitiveness and innovation, Biosfer Teslab is seeking “collaboration for national and international projects that investigate new markers, analytical methods, and treatments that promote the study, diagnosis, and treatment of metabolic alterations” [2].
In 2014 Laboratoris Rubio injected half million euros [3] into the latest phase of the Liposcale test. Furthermore, the company has taken on the internationalization and commercialization of the product exclusively for the European market.
[1] This information has been checked online. See: http://biosferteslab.com/en/services/ [Last consultation : 05/06/2018]
[2] This information has been checked online. See: http://biosferteslab.com/en/services/ [Last consultation: 05/06/2018]
[3] This information has been checked online. See: http://hemeroteca.lavanguardia.com/preview/2015/10/25/pagina-63/94425713/pdf.html?search=biosfer%20teslab [Last consultation: 05/06/2018]
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