
Increases the satisfaction of the Teaching and Research Staff regarding the resources and services of the CRAI

It is one of the main conclusions of the survey carried out this quarter and that is compared with that of the 2017-18 academic year

During the first quarter of this year, the CRAI of the Rovira i Virgili University has carried out a survey aimed at teaching and research staff to assess satisfaction with the resources and services that the CRAI offers to this group.

The results obtained have been very positive and represent an increase in satisfaction in relation to the previous survey carried out during the 2017-18 academic year.

It has been obtained excellent in all aspects:

  • Staff: 9.48
  • Facilities: 8.94
  • Information resources: 8.80
  • Services: 8.90
  • Overall rating: 9.16

Regarding the visits of the PDI to the CRAI facilities, 51.4% of the PDI answered that they regularly visit the CRAI and do so at least once a month. 43% of the PDI that do not visit the CRAI use electronic resources.

It is found that 84.3% of those surveyed have answered that the CRAI responded to their needs throughout the pandemic.

The survey includes a suggestions section at the end of the questionnaire, which has made it possible to determine some aspects to improve: facilities, access to information and training resources, among others.

The results of the survey can be consulted in a detailed report on the URV intranet.

The participation of the PDI providing their opinion through this survey allows the CRAI to evaluate the quality of the service and improve it, establishing priorities and actions to improve the offer of services and access to information resources, and focus efforts on satisfying the user needs.

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