04/09/2023 Opinion

Qasim Waleed, student of the Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering
“Aurora Student Conference fosters university collaboration for social impact”
The third edition of the Aurora Student Conference is held at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic

The third edition of the Aurora Student Conference is held at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic
On 28 May, the annual Aurora Student Sonference in Olomouc, Czech Republic, brought together members of the alliance’s Student Council and participants of the volunteer programme, the Aurora Champions and Ambassadors. For two days, they met to discuss topics such as mental health, intercultural communication, sustainability and the digital society. As an Aurora Ambassador, we took part in this event alongside Xènia Rovialta, the URV’s representative on the Student Council.
During the meeting a summary of the work done during the year was presented and a series of activities was offered. The Aurora Student Conference was led by Niels Hexpoor, with an introduction to the history of Palacký University (UP), located in Olomouc, a city of considerable cultural value. The workshops highlighted the importance of mental health and intercultural learning in training social entrepreneurs.

During the debate, strategic plans were proposed to disseminate the mission of the Aurora network and of the students who take active part in the project. The participation of URV students is still one of the challenges that needs to be overcome, but work is being done to improve this aspect through participation in events such as this conference. Aurora is a step towards the future of European universities, with a focus on having a positive impact on society.
Consult the report presented at the 3rd Aurora Student Conference on the UPOL website.