A library has been set up in the children’s home managed by the organisation with books, computers and Internet access to reinforce the learning of children who have started school late
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She was involved in training EU Careers ambassadors
They have been taking part in a three-day training course as part of the Diverse Internationalisation of Teacher Education project workshop
The URV professor and IPHES researcher will lead the SCAVENGERS project, in which he will investigate the interaction between carnivores and humans in prehistoric habitats.
He is the first researcher in Spain to receive this European recognition in its more than thirty years of history. Fundamental factors in the award were his long professional career and his research on the effects of environmental and food pollutants on human health.
Muzahir Hussain, international fellow at the Faculty of Chemistry, awarded a grant by the Martí i Franquès COFUND Doctoral Programme
The first URV Festival: a great success
Figa Flawas, JazzWoman and DJ Ceba top the bill at the Festival attended by hundreds of people
For the fifth consecutive year, the Universitat Rovira and Virgili appears in the QS World University Rankings by Subject with four areas: Archaeology, Chemical Engineering, Medicine, and Chemistry.
A hydroalcoholic gel with a QR code enables people to access to a test that assesses their ability to identify the smell of the product and eight symptoms of the disease. Using artificial intelligence techniques, it instantly evaluates the risk of having Covid. The first prototype of this system is being used in the Emergency Department of Hospital Sant Joan de Reus
Immaculada Rosell was one of the members of the URV participating in the International Student Conference 2023 held at Indonesia