Participants in the European project for the internationalisation of teacher education meet at the URV
They have been taking part in a three-day training course as part of the Diverse Internationalisation of Teacher Education project workshop

They have been taking part in a three-day training course as part of the Diverse Internationalisation of Teacher Education project workshop
The URV International Center organized the course Train the Trainers, part of the DITE project (Diverse Internationalisation of Teacher Education), co-financed by the European Union and designed to internationalise teacher education. The URV is one of the universities participating in this project with the I-Center and the lecturers of the Faculty of Education and Psychology, Luís Marqués, and Ramon Palau.
At the same time, two meetings of the DITE partners reviewed the activities planned for the remaining year and a half of the project. The second day of the meeting was attended by Covadonga González, from the Foreign and Home Languages Service of the Department of Education of the Catalan Government, and Carme Tinoco, of the Territorial Services of the Department of Education, as project partners. Covadonga González presented the Catalan and Spanish education systems and their internationalisation strategies.
The Train the Trainers course counted on the participation of Joan Miquel Canals, the URV commissioner of International Networks, and, among others, the URV trainer, Marina Casals of the International Center, and the other universities participating in the project. Workshops were held on internationalisation and intercultural communication, with both theoretical and participatory and dynamic parts. The international teachers participating finished the course with numerous ideas to implement in their classrooms.

This course was the face-to-face part of a training course that had already started online. The main objective of the course is for teaching staff to understand that internationalisation training is much more than just physical mobility.