Russian universities, potential collaborators with the URV
Contacts were established during the 6th edition of the Annual International Universities Networking Conference - IUNC Eurasia, in Moscow

Contacts were established during the 6th edition of the Annual International Universities Networking Conference - IUNC Eurasia, in Moscow
The URV, represented by the vice-rector for Internationalisation, Mar Gutiérrez-Colón, and Meritxell Garcia, from the Marketing Unit of the Master’s Support Office (OAM), attended the IUNC Eurasia 2017 conference in Moscow (Russia). IUNC Eurasia is an international higher education conference focusing on cooperation between universities and agents and was held this year in Moscow from 15 to 18 May.
At the conference, both parties had the opportunity to talk about student recruitment. The “university-to-university” and “university-to-agent” platforms enabled the URV to increase its collaborations with Russian institutions.
The Russian universities were very interested in establishing relations with the URV and setting up double degrees and research agreements. Meetings were held with the MISIS (National University of Science and Technology), Tomsk State University, Southwest State University; Orenburg State University, Lipetsk State Pedagogical P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, Kirov State Medical University; Perm State University, National Research University, the Russian State University for Humanities; the International University MITSO, Mogliev State University of Food Technologies in Belorussia, and the International University of Kyrgyzstan from the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
The delegation also visited the Spanish embassy in Russia and met José Aurelio Llaneza Villanueva, senior lecturer in Education and his colleague Svetlana Kostyleva.
More news about: Internationalisation, IUNC Eurasia, Rússia