The CRAI starts its survey of students
The survey is designed to detect how satisfied the students are with the CRAI’s resources and services.

The survey is designed to detect how satisfied the students are with the CRAI’s resources and services.
In compliance with its objective of continuous improvement, for the past 10 years the CRAI of the URV has been making surveys of the satisfaction of users from different parts of the University.
The survey will be sent to the students so that they can express their level of satisfaction with the CRAI’s resources and services. The results of this survey -once they have been analysed- will let us plan some improvement actions and will be taken into account for the design of the Strategic Plan that will define the objectives of the CRAI over the next 4 years.
Answering the survey takes less than 10 minutes and it will be available until the 31st May 2023. (Link to survey)
Students who answer the questionnaire will participate in a raffle for a tactile tablet. (See the raffle rules).